This is a Marmite route. Ive taken friends of mine along here who ride sports-tourers, and they really cant get the best out of it as corners are very fast and sweeping. If you have a sports bike and like riding hard, youll love this route as you really can take advantage of your bikes cornering ability.
ajsfwuThe stretch from Newbury to Calne is a nice fast run at 0600 on a summer Sunday morning with fast open bends. Watch for cops on weekends biker hunting.
BigtoneDon't really agree that this a great biking road. It's good for a straight blast and good overtaking but virtually no nice corners to speak of
BBR-DavidA fast flowing, wide main route from Newbury running through to the historical city of Bath. Not a very twisty section but quite nice to ride as it's mostly wide with good visibility meaning that other traffic need not hinder your progress too much.