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BBR Mobile App Navigation

Posted on March 26, 2019 by lmichaud
Posted on March 26, 2019 by lmichaud (Member Score: 0)

Hello David,

I am a Canadian and use BBR since a few years and found many curvy roads when touring the Alps, downloading the to a Garmin GPS at night.

Now I just bought a new MotoGuzzi 85TT and I am thinking of using your mobile app. I have 2 questions:

1- it does not say if the app can navigate, i.e. provide screen and/or verbal instructions to follow the route.

2- There is a MIA app, not yet documented, that says it can connect to the mobile and navigate. There is an app and supposedly you can give it a destination and it will display the route on the buke tft screen. If te app and bbr could connect, it would be fantastic. Any chance you can investigate this ? This is the way of the future I thing. GPS ssucks in comparison.

Thank you for your great site.

Luc Michaud
Montreal, Canada

Posted on March 26, 2019 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8909)

Hi Luc,

Thanks for using BBR and taking time to give constructive feedback. Particularly with the mobile app the ecosphere can be a very cruel one, with users giving one star for the slightest limitation, which in turn kills the popularity of the app and prevents revenue which can enable future new features.

I had a look for the Mia app but I could not find it (only an ovulation app for fertility, but I guess that is not it!) If you let me know where I can find some info about it.

Regarding navigation on the BBR mobile app, here is the current functionality:

The mobile app allows you to navigate to the start or end point of the route using the built in device navigation of your choice.

As the route itself uses a predefined route, it is not possible at this time to use the inbuilt navigation for that as the route will simply be recalculated by the navigation and the route will be lost.

For this reason, each route includes the possibility to download a GPX file. GPX viewer apps such as OsmAnd,etc can navigate routes without recalculating them this way.

If you want to see how the app works in more detail, there is an overview video here:

I am constantly trying to improve BBR, but I am working mostly alone and with limited resources, so in the short term the best way to help me give users what they want is to write, me a positive app store review, post some links to the BBR website on your favourite forums or social media, or become a BBR sponsor.

All the Best


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